“Everyone has a plan 'til they get punched in the mouth.” - Mike Tyson
In May, I shared how I was picking up my guitar and starting to play again. I encouraged you to reconnect or find a new fun, creative outlet that would let you unlock aspects of your leadership that can get buried under the mountains of meetings and work we’re all juggling.
It didn’t take long after my posts until I got “punched in the mouth.”
Without getting too detailed, I started having some skin issues on my hands that got progressively worse, and playing the guitar became hard and painful.
**Not every plan we make or goal we set will come to pass.**
When I figured out that I couldn’t play (for now), I shifted to working on other creative outlets.
* Spent time working on new beer recipes.
* Dug into a couple of plays and spent time doing character work.
* Listened to new musicals, which has led to doing more singing.
While the outlet itself changed, the desire to be creative only shifted.
It’s ok if you need to let go of a goal and shift to something that moves you now.
If you have been “punched in the mouth” recently, what needs to shift for you?